We and the orchard have had a generally good winter – no major adverse weather though we did get 36 inches of wet snow March 14. Pruning is done and most of the brush has been picked up and run thru the big chipper.
The picture shows leaves on the trees now at “1/2 inch green” and the fruit buds will be at “tight cluster” by this weekend. There is no forecast for frost in the near term and there are plenty of fruit buds – so off to a good start, but months to go until harvest.
Sylvia and I managed to avoid COVID for just over three years since the start in March 2020 – that luck ran out this year at the end of March when we both tested positive – symptoms have generally been a lot of fatigue and head congestion/cold symptoms. Unfortunately we got a second COVID round after completing the Paxlovid cycle, but we are now getting thru that as well.
Jilly our 15 year old Shih Tzu passed away in February from cancer and we now have three months old Janey from the same breeder. She is very alert and rapidly figuring out the daily routines – follows us closely on walks thru the orchard and wants to explore everything.
I will post periodically as we go thru the growing season – look forward to seeing folks in the fall.

Zestars at 1/2 inch green

Janey paying close attention.