OPENING WEEKEND Saturday & Sunday September 9 & 10

Looking forward to seeing lots of you this weekend – still reduced crop but there are more Macintosh than we thought, especially on the 80 year old trees nearest the road.  There are some Galas and Ginger Golds as well.  The few Honeycrisps out there will not be ripe until Sept 16 & 17 weekend or possibly later.

We will have Havoc Hill maple syrup and Dutton’s cider.  We fired up the donut machine today and made a test batch – the carpenters working on the red house renovation project declared them as good as ever.

Those of you who came last year saw the old red farmhouse jacked up on blocks ready to be moved back on the lot.  The move is complete and a new kitchen/master bedroom addition replaces the old shed on the back.  The windows are all installed, red siding is due soon, and the old shutters with the apple cut outs will be reused.

The photo shows Sylvia’s latest quilt – the “Red House Quilt celebrating 50 years of red house life with our children and grandchildren”.  You can see some good looking Macintosh on the old trees.

So come help us celebrate – pick some apples and get some donuts.  A few showers need not keep you away.