Crimson Crisp (the very red apples that were behind the red tape) are now ready to pick.  This is our premier late season apple – great sweet tart flavor – very firm – keeps VERY well.

Empire another great late season apple is now ripe as well.  Great Macintosh available on the younger trees AND especially the 81 year old trees from the original orchard planting.  There are good Cortlands, Macouns, Galas and Fuji as well. Northern Spy and Golden Delicious will start on Friday before Columbus Day weekend.

The wind has brought down a lot of drops – you can select your own at half price.

Cider has been resupplied and I took delivery today of several hundred pounds more donut supplies for the weekend.

Columbus Day weekend October 9 and 10 will be our last weekend open – depending on the weather we may go a few days into the following week.

Come replenish your supply of apples while they are still plentiful!!

Photo shows some nice Crimson Crisps waiting to be picked.