Good Macs, Gala, Cortland & Macoun + still some Honeycrisps

Cortlands and Macoun are now ripe.  McIntosh and Gala are still good, away from the barn uphill by the fence.  As of Thursday afternoon, there are still Honeycrisps way at the bottom of the hill below the three Cortland rows – they will probably be picked out sometime on Saturday.

There will be donuts Saturday and Sunday – they run out periodically and completely by mid-afternoon.  Cider has been resupplied, but it will run out also.

October 3 & 4 weekend will be our last weekend – we may be open a couple days into the following week, but we will run out of apples before Columbus Day weekend. Empires will start Friday Oct 2 or a day or two earlier.

Come Friday (tomorrow) to avoid the crowd or early in the day on the weekend.  We thank (almost) everyone for wearing masks and practicing social distancing to keep everyone safe.

Photo shows some nice Cortlands (on the three rows just above the Honeycrisps).

Record turn out for Honeycrisp weekend

Beautiful weather and plentiful apples brought out big crowds of people on both Saturday and Sunday taking advantage of a way to get out of the lockdown.  Folks pretty uniformly wore masks and practiced social distancing, so we feel it was safe for them, our staff and ourselves – much appreciated.

A LOT of fruit was picked – there are still some Honeycrisps available down the hill – as well as Gala and McIntosh in multiple locations.  We hope to be resupplied with cider mid week – donuts will be back on the weekend.  Lots of good Havoc Hill maple syrup.

Friday we will start Cortlands and Macouns.  Empires will start first weekend in October.

Unless we get some rainy weekend days, it is very likely that we will run out of fruit before Columbus Day weekend.  Come now during the week, if you can when parking is easier and we have time to actually talk to customers as they arrive and check out.

Thanks for making it a good harvest !!

HONEYCRISP WEEKEND + great Macs and Galas

The Honeycrisp crop is good this year and picking starts tomorrow (Friday Sept. 18).  Still lots of good MacIntosh and Galas. Fuji’s are now ripe as well.  Cortlands and a small crop of Macouns will start Friday Sept. 25.

There will be more donuts on Saturday and Sunday – we hope to get our cider resupplied on Friday.  Good maple syrup available too.

Folks are looking for a safe family outing and we have seen quite a lot more customers than usual – we may be picked out before Columbus Day weekend.  I post status at least twice a week.

Photos show a Honeycrisp tree with a heavy crop and some fresh picked McIntosh.

Great turn out for our second weekend

Lots of familiar folks came out.  Virtually everyone wore masks at entry and exit – they are optional out in the orchard when practicing social distancing.  We are glad to be able to provide a safe family activity while keeping it safe for ourselves and our workers.

Many bags of Galas and Macintosh went out the door – plus another 1200 donuts.  Remember donuts are only available on Saturday & Sunday and they usually run out by mid afternoon.  Cider ran out by noon on Sunday and we expect to get resupplied by late Wednesday.

This week there will be more good Galas and MacIntosh – Honeycrisp and Fuji will start on the weekend.  We hope to be open thru Columbus Day weekend, if our supply of apples holds out.

Looks like nice weather for most of the week and the coming weekend – time to plan another visit.


MacIntosh, Gala, Cider & Donuts

We are finishing our first week with the new one way entrance and exit.  Most folks are figuring it out and wearing masks as they come in and check out.  Since we are mostly outdoors, we think it is safe for everyone.

MacIntosh are still tart, but getting riper.  Galas are ripening as well.  Zestars and Ginger Golds are mostly picked.  Honeycrisps will probably start weekend of September 20’th.

Friday and Saturday forecast is sunny and cooler – Sunday may be showers.   Dutton’s cider press is repaired and we have cider in stock again,  Come early for the donuts on Saturday and Sunday.

Come get your apples!!

