The wet weather has been good for both our raspberries and apples and some amazing ferns along the snowmobile trail just below the raspberries.
The picture below shows a lot of green raspberries on the three year old Boyne variety in the upper field. Depending on how much sunshine and warm weather we get, they will probably be ready for first picking around July 7 or 8 – watch the web.
The cherry crop is moderate this year – more than last year, but not like 2015. There are MANY cedar wax wings hanging out in the cherry trees waiting for the fruit to ripen, so it may be a challenge to get cherries picked before the birds do. They will not be ripe for at least a week after raspberries start.
Apples are growing well – picture shows some McIntosh now over an inch in diameter. The big challenge now is to avoid being hit by hail – so far the storms have gone either south or north of us.
I will post again when we have a better idea of when berries will be ripe.